Landscaping usually comes towards the end of most projects, except at 7Empire in San Jose, CA, where a large Crape Myrtle tree was transplanted in January. The owner of the project hand-picked the showcase tree from a local nursery. While most of the Crape Myrtle trees at the nursery reach about 8-feet tall, this particular tree is 25-feet tall with a trunk of 6-inches. The tree is 30-years-old. Although it is currently dormant, the tree will blossom beautiful pink flowers in the spring to early fall.

Located adjacent to the main entrance of 7Empire, the tree will be the first thing visitors, passersbys, and residents see as the walk by the building.
Due to power lines surrounding the property, the team had to transport the tree by first placing it on large palettes, then angling the tree to fit underneath the power lines. In preparation for the tree’s transplant, certain areas of sidewalk were not poured originally. Nursery personnel tested the soil to ensure the pH level would be fitting for the tree. The transplant process took one day to complete.