Passion | Integrity | Teamwork
Zwick's core values are summarized in these three words. They define who we are as a company and the characteristics each employee brings to the team. Our core values are what drive our entire management philosophy, differentiating us and the experience our clients, trade partners, and employees have.

Our people love what they do. We have a sincere desire to create partnering relationships and fulfill client goals.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards and expect that those we work with will do the same. We practice honesty and fairness.

We strive to work together to ensure that all of our projects are completed at the highest quality within the schedule.

Core Value Meetings
Each month we gather as a company in a Core Value Meeting, where we share examples of our core values in recent personal actions or in business operations. It keeps the team cohesive and focused on what matters most to our company.
Core Value Award 2023
The Core Value Award is Zwick Construction’s most prestigious award, given to one employee per year who exemplifies passion, integrity, and teamwork in their work life and home life. We are thrilled to announce that Kristen Andersen, Marketing Manager, was nominated and chosen to receive the award for her commitment to living these core values.

Our Guiding Principles
Zwick's Guiding Principles provide specific guidelines to our daily actions and decisions– both as a company, and as individuals. These principles are evident in our relationships with our employees, our trade partners, and our clients:
We build long-term relationships of trust
We are professionals
We protect the Zwick brand
We give autonomy
We encourage personal and professional growth
We view trade partners as an extension of our team
We exercise financial discipline
We optimistically problem-solve in the face of reality
We are always learning and improving
We are builders